Blades and Bandages - Is Yash prepared for life?

Three days ago, Yash (my 8 yr old son) who had gone out to play with his friends came rushing home with a bloody finger. Aghast, we washed and administered first aid. Then came out the story behind the incident....

Four of the boys had gone out to play,
One found a blade on the fateful day...
One said 'Not real, it's just a fake',
'I'll test it first then you take'....
Snip went the blade on the first boy's hand,
Snip went the blade on the second boy's hand...
They all came running really fast,
Leaving us parents completely aghast!!

Though I'm able to find humour in the situation now, that day was spent in disbelief at the children's stupidity. I shudder to think of what all could've gone wrong. It was just a small cut and we immediately rushed both the boys to the doctor nearby to get a tetanus shot. Luckily, since they both had had their vaccinations, they didn't need one. When in a group, children come under peer pressure, to prove that they are the best and know more than others. We've had a completely non-competitive upbringing of Yash, we never compare him to anyone else. Yet, we find that he is competitive and wants to prove his worth to his friends. Is this peer pressure, group dynamics or maybe even bullying?

This incident has left me to believe that boys will boys, and they will do these idiotic things. I cannot be present always and all the time. I can only guide him and prepare him for the worst and hope that he will use his God given brains when needed. We are trying to teach him the ways of the world and especially about coming under peer pressure or being bullied. I'm planning to incorporate these situations into our quizzes, just to gauge what his answer may be. 'What if' questions will probably help in understanding his mindset. It will also be a reminder if he ever comes across these situations.

What are the situations that you dread? What are your 'What ifs' ? Time to give it a thought....

Growing up with Yash! Phew!


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