The long winding road to an Elementary School

It has been a roller coaster ride the last few months, looking for the perfect school for Yash, our six year old son. He was at Podar Jumbo Kids from playschool to Sr.K.G. We have been very clear since the beginning that we would not settle for a school that did not match our ideologies. Also, Yash is an early reader (was able to read by 4) and that kinda made us believe that he was a little genius ;) Now, we did not want to quash this genius in the bud by enrolling him to a school that doubled up as a factory of kids rattling off the text books that they mugged up.
Exactly what I did not want for Yash!

Thankfully, me and my husband Vickram, both were of the same belief, making it easier to convince the rest of the world that we were seeking alternative education for our son. Since we are living in south of Bangalore, the choices were limited to The Valley School, Shibhumi and CFL. We were more comfortable with The Valley School for various reasons including but not limited to philosophy of education, distance, affordability.  Yash was very much a part of the selection process. We used to have discussions about what he wanted in his school. His demands were few: A whole building for a science lab, no homework, place to dig and do gardening. When we visited Valley, it seemed like he got what he wanted! We visited the campus in April 2013 and were informed that we had to fill the form and submit it during August.

As a frenzied mom, who had narrowed in on her target, I was up like a hawk the night the application form was available online. The morning after, we had filled it up and submitted by the same afternoon. This was the easy part. The school authorities were to inform us by September end regarding the shortlisted applicants. September spilled to November then onto December. We were committed to this school and did not even want to consider other options. By Jan 2014, we were informed that we did not make the cut. We were disheartened to say the least. We started to prepare Yash that he would have to consider other options. We could see his disappointment. At this point, I have to truly appreciate his emotional development. He knew he loved the Valley school but he also understood that there was nothing his parents could do to get him there (believe you me, we tried...). He said 'It's ok mom, we'll find something better'. I plead guilty on the charge of shedding tears a few times thinking of how he wasn't going to be part of the so called 'perfect' school for him.

Soon after, call it sour grapes reaction, we started getting some very negative reviews about Valley. We met parents who very very unhappy with the attitude that their children were picking up. We also came to understand that there was tremendous peer pressure that children at Valley had to face. We started to feel very glad that we were not accepted into the school. As Vickram always says ' Good things happen to good people' and we've always been good (heh heh)

So we started the hunt again but were just not satisfied. At this point, we seriously started to consider home schooling as an option. We read up about it, enrolled ourselves to many groups for it, spoke to few home schooling parents and so on. All the while, the family around were getting very jittery about where all this would lead. I was myself very unsure how I would be able to pull it off....

One fine morning we saw a poster in our apartment inviting parents for an open house. It was from 'Pramiti'. Unable to contain our curiosity, we went the very same day. They were in the process of setting up the new premises and were not yet ready for visitors. But as we reached there, we were welcomed warmly and made to feel comfortable. We met Ms. Savitha Ravi, the director of Pramiti. We spoke to her for almost 45 mins.... Actually, she did most of the talking :) When we walked away from the gate that day, we knew where Yash was going to school!

You can look up about Pramiti here :

I will keep updating Yash's journey through this wonderful experience of enabled learning! Till then happy parenting!


  1. So glad to have come across your son is still 3 and I was always interested in valley school. Still keeping it as an option. I got to know about pramiti last my cousin's daughter goes to the same school. They too are very happy with it.

  2. Iam a similar parent and looking forward to put my kids into shibumi or valley. Thats when i heard about pramiti. Would like to know your feedback after these few years at pramiti

  3. Hi, any feedback/update on pramiti school?

  4. This days its difficult to find best kindergarten school in Bangalore While Searching for
    top 10 kindergarten school in Bangalore , i came across
    Emerald International school ,i have admitted my kids in that school its one of the
    best Kindergarten school in Bangalore they offer a balanced schooling for my kid .

  5. Hi, is your son still in Pramiti. I would like to know a few more details about Pramiti and your perspective as a parent. Is there a way I can get in touch with you?

  6. hi, we would like to get some reviews on pramiti, and how your son is coping up in this school. If you can provide your email then it will be great.

  7. Thank you Preeti, I am so happy I stumbled upon your blog post. We are exactly in the same boat, my husband and I were so excited about The Valley school, we poured our heart out in the application form, only to get a rejection letter today. It was heart breaking, I haven't even told this to my daughter yet. Back to square one, we are searching alternative schools and came across Pramiti. We are impressed by the website information so far but this post has really given us the confidence. We will tour the school sooner and hopefully will make the cut for admissions.

  8. It’s inspiring to read about your journey in finding the right school for Yash! The search for a school that aligns with your values can be quite challenging. It’s great to hear that you found a school in Bangalore that matches your educational philosophy. For anyone looking for schools in Bangalore that prioritize a more holistic approach, your story highlights how important it is to choose one that nurtures both academic and emotional growth. Thanks for sharing your experience—I'm sure it will help other parents in their search!


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