We, the Corona Survivors!

 We're now Corona Survivors!!

I felt it is important to share my experience being on the other side of fear so that it can help others who are in a similar situation. Long post alert!

Trying to recreate the timeline as below:

  • Me and my husband both started having temperature on the 12th July. 
  • By 13th July , I developed dry cough. We were managing with medicines for the symptoms and later decided to consult a doctor. The doctor advised me to start antibiotics as he felt it appeared to be an upper respiratory tract infection. My husband continued to just take paracetamol for his temperature. 
  • On the fifth day of feeling ill, I lost my sense of taste and smell. We bought a Pulse Oximeter and kept track of my saturation and pulse. My pulse remained elevated. The saturation was at 94-95 and the pulse was at 125+ 
  • On further consultation with the doctor, he advised change of medicines to include a new antibiotic and an anti flu. He also advised that we take the test. 
  • We got the reference that BBMP (local municipal authority) was conducting the test on 19th July at Thyagarajnagar and we both gave the swab for the Rapid Antigen testing. We got the results in a couple of hours after the test. We were both positive. We started checking with hospitals to get admitted since we had Yash, my son who is 12 yrs old and my Mother In Law who is 65, staying at home with us. As you may guess, no beds were available. 
  • On 20th Morning, we went to the Fever Clinic at Aster RV Hospital in JP Nagar. The doctor checked our symptoms and mentioned that considering my age and also that I did not have any co-morbidities, I should check myself into the hotel quarantine facility that they had (Aster had a tie up with a hotel at Jayanagar). Vickram was largely asymptomatic and so the doc asked him to isolate and quarantine himself at home itself.
  • By 21st morning, I started having severe breathing difficulties. My saturation plummeted to 72% and hovered around 84% after the drop. We got in touch with the emergency number Aster had given us and within no time, I was in the ambulance being taken to the hospital, while on oxygen. After the tests, they determined that my chest was severely infected. I was put on anti bionics, blood thinners, anti flu meds, steroids and other medicines.
  • Along with shortness of breath, I was also coughing up blood with the sputum. I couldn't talk even one sentence without having to cough. On 23rd, they started with Remedisivir, a miraculous drug. By the 5th day of starting the drug, my cough had almost but gone and I was able to stay without oxygen support. My sense of taste and smell were back
  • Meanwhile, at home, my MIL, Yash and all our neighbours were tested on 24th July.
  • I was discharged on 29th July and on the same day, our son, Yash's test showed that he was positive. He was totally asymptomatic and needed no medication.
  • Upon my return, we remained in isolation for a further 5 days so that we keen my MIL out of harm's way. We continued to be under home quarantine for another 10 days finally stepping out on the 13th of August.
  • Today, we are all fine by the grace of God! Me and Vickram continue to have tiredness and general body pains, which I'm told is quite natural. The body takes a few months to recover the lost strength.
In terms of contracting the virus, both me and Vickram have been extremely cautious and been following all the safety protocols such as wearing masks, maintaining social distancing, etc. It is a bit challenging for us to narrow down the source for our affliction. In terms of precautions, it is our strong advice (as also advised by the doctors) to take vitamin c and zinc supplements. It is also good to drink 'Kashayam' every day. We have been on home cooked meals, rich in protein. We have started breathing exercises. It is highly recommended to practice Pranayama and Kaphalabhati. We have all been drinking hot water and lots of it.

I'm listing down the steps to take and points to consider if you are feeling unwell:

1. If the fever persists and /or you have any other symptoms and also if you have been in contact with a person afflicted with COVID, it is better to get tested. For testing, one can either go to a private lab or visit one of the mobile BBMP (local municipal authority) testing units. They generally release an ad in the newspaper about where the units will be present. Attached is the ad for your reference.
2. Once you get the information that you are positive, if you are tested by BBMP (local municipal authority):
a. they automatically register your details in their roster of COVID positive. b. You will receive a call from BBMP (local municipal authority) depending on the ward that you are part of. They will enquire about your symptoms. In case the symptoms are mild, they will suggest that you stay under home quarantine. They will ask you if you would like to opt for Govt. facility or Pvt. Facility for taking treatment.
c. Based on your option, they will give you a letter that will have your BU number that will be the reference for all your treatments. The letter will also be addressed to the hospital that you choose (if private) or they choose (if Govt). d. In case you are required to be hospitalized, you can submit this letter during the admission. This letter will entail you for the Ayushman Bharath Scheme under which you will be eligible for coverage for the hospital charges. e. The scheme will cover all hospitalization expenses except for specific tests that may not be directly related to COVID and medicines such as Remedesivir (which are used for very few patients). 3. BBMP (local municipal authority) will be in touch with you regarding your residence and people that you have been in contact with. They will seal down the house and also test the primary contacts.
4. Once you are positive and visit a hospital, they will assess your symptoms and inform it you qualify to be hospitalized or you need to be under home quarantine. Most Pvt hospitals will have a tie up with a hotel, for packages for hotel quarantine. These packages are typically pushed by hospitals so that they have the beds free for more critical patients. The hotel packages will have daily consultations with doctors to ensure that you are taken care. The hotel package is suggested if you have other members in the family who are susceptible to catching the virus. It is also suggested in case there are no separate rooms (with attached bathrooms) available for self-isolation at home. Single Point of Contact is provided by the hospital for keeping in touch.

I feel lucky!! 

Despite having the illness, there were so many things that went right which I'm thankful for. 

First and foremost, the local authorities, BBMP. They were fantastic and very supportive. If not for their timely support, I wouldn't have been able to avail the Govt.'s Ayushman Bharath Scheme. It's a blessing not to have the huge hospital bills to add to our woes.

Secondly, Aster RV. The staff were great. Friendly, attentive and responsible. I have to appreciate the nurses who had to wear the PPE kit through out and execute their duties. Aster was also really empathetic and they refunded a pro rated amount we had paid towards the hotel quarantine since I did not utilise more than a day. They were prompt in the support they provided and care they took.

Thirdly, our apartment association. They were again very supportive to my family's needs, ensuring that the seal down by BBMP did not leave the household without essentials.

Fourthly, the wishes and prayers that flowed in from all corners. We just felt so blessed and cocooned in everyone's love and wishes.

Fifthly, FAMILY! My sisters and parents were the pillars of strength. Starting from talking to the doctors, sending love filled parcels of food, sending essentials to the thousands of calls and prayers for our well being, we feel lucky to be surrounded by such wonderful family members. I'm sure I scared my poor husband out of his wits:) His love is what kept me going. A special mention of my Mother In Law who was a pillar of strength in all of this, managing the work at home and taking care of us, sick people :) I don't think we would have come out unscathed without her by our side. 

Finally, and the biggest blessing, Yash's attitude. I'm sure it couldn't have been easy to stay these last six months at home with very minimal interaction with friends. To top that, he had to be under quarantine and isolation for extended periods of time. Through all of it, he was a gentleman. I've always admired his resilience and the ability to take everything in his stride with a smile. After I returned home, during one of our conversations he told me and Vickram that when we were both tested positive he was really scared, but the same was not the case when he was tested positive. His theory was that when someone close to you is ill, you are more worried than if it is yourself. He never lost his cool and made it all look so easy. I hope that this attitude continues and he is able to face all of life's googlies with as much panache as he did this one!!

Take care and stay safe!


  1. Amazing blog Amma, hope to see more soon! :* ;)

  2. Amazing one. We can just feel what you have undergone. May god bless you and your family with good health and strength, most required one at the moment!!!

  3. Super stay bleesed stay heathy

  4. Neat penning down in detail. I am sure this will help a lot of us know what happens behind the screen :) Glad all is well.. Take care Preethi :)

  5. Thanks for your information. We pray the almighty for the support given by so many people. But the media is going on giving wrong information on BBMP. Nice for your information.
    God bless you all

  6. Thanks for such a detailed information Preethi and so glad all of you are doing good... Really appreciate yash maturity at that age.
    God bless you all

  7. Preethi...very well written. Ths for the detailed info and thank god u guys r fine. Take care!

  8. Have teary eyes as I read it...

  9. You guys are real hero's to face this nasty virus and bounce back with lots of patience and resilience.

  10. Thanks for sharing preethi . Glad all of u are doing fine

  11. Its a most healthiest Drink in the time of this deadly Pandemic Corona.Maa kashay increase our immunity and boosts our energy level.Being a Corona warrior I personally experienced the medicative properties of the drink.Its amazing to have a cup or two maa kashay drink every to be Healthy and Fit.
    Finaly its a better move of ATMANIRBHAR BHARATH


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