I think my tummy's telling me I'm shy :)

Today, I dropped Yash at his friend's place for rehearsing his lines for his upcoming school day. As we reached close to her place, Yash mentioned 'I think my tummy's telling me I'm shy'! It was so 'matter-of-fact'ly that I looked at him to see his expression. I am amazed that he interpreted his feeling of excitement and anticipation coupled with feeling shy, so well. We all get the butterflies, but for a boy of 6.5 yrs to understand what it means is a little achievement in the 'emotional development' department. I remember when he was younger, maybe about 2.5 or 3 yrs old, once he had gone upto his dad and said 'Dad, I am feeling cranky'. At that time, he was sleepy and was tired of playing, but he had understood his feelings and had felt the need to tell his dad about it. It hasn't all been rosy, he has had his fair share of tempers and tantrums, fights and breakdowns too. But overall, he has been in touch with his feelings and...