Oreo's Knight in shining armour!

Introducing our protagonist, Yash, my 8 yr old son. The story begins with a loud scream that was heard from outside through our kitchen window on the fourth floor. The screams were calling out my mother in law. Fortunately, my husband, Vickram ( eligible for best supporting actor), was at home, heard the screams and went to the kitchen window. A much relieved Yash, asked his dad to come down immediately. As Vickram reached the scene of action, Yash recounted ( time for a flash back) his story so far. That day, Yash and his friends had witnessed a few (read 10) boys, who were throwing stones at Oreo. Oreo is a stray dog that has been adopted by a few of our apartments' kind residents. This loveable mutt is seen around our apartment complex, minding its own business, not disturbing anyone. Oreo, in this story, is the damsel who needed to be rescued. The scene was set to fight mode, where Vickram witnessed that Yash was holding a long stick that he had found fa...